Beautiful Crochet Flowers

Hi I just wanted to share a site with all of you...she is a terrific lady and the sweetest friend one could come accross. I won a set of her beautiful crochet flowers not to long ago in one of her UStream classes. She then turned around and for no reason but her nice manner  she made a set of flowers for both my girls!!! Brandi and Krystal took them before I had a chance to even photograph them! They were so excited and Suzie, they say THANKS! lol But I went over to her blog and scrapnapped some photos she had, she sent like 10 flowers!!!! You dont know how much I appreciate you doing that Suzie. You can find her creations at   here are a couple samples of her work.
She sent the teal for Brandi and the red and black for Krystal.
They are lovely in person!!!  And of course she sent me  the pink ones! LOVE THEM!
I'm hoarding them! lol 

Bye Ladies...kisses and as always..

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