Exciting news to share with you!!!...3 videos for you to watch!!!

How exciting is this??? Wish me luck ladies Im gonna needed, the ladies on this team are extrememly talented!!!

Watch the last video...it contains everything that the lovely Esmeralda sent me for our first design team package! It is filled with yummmy embellishments!!! And the best part is that ONE of you ladies can win a kit just like it!!! Just go over to her channel, subscribe and leave a comment making sure you say ELSA sent you and you could be a winner!!! She will be picking 3 lucky winners!!! GOOD LUCK LADIES!!!

Here is the Introduction video...exciting stuff! lol

Ok so go watch the  third video on my youtube channel...click HERE!!!  then go the TwinsMoms channel
subscribe and comment there also, remember you must subscribe and comment in both places, my channel/video and TwinsMoms channel /video...ok? ok! 

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